Working with me

Virtual In-House Lawyer

Solving your legal problems before you have them

  • Are you spending more time on legal issues than on your day job?
  • Are your contracts written in language that nobody understands?
  • Are you overwhelmed by GDPR?
  • Do you spend money on legal advice that you can’t translate into action?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you need an in-house lawyer — at least some of the time. An in-house lawyer’s job is to ease the burden on the business by keeping its legal affairs in order so you don’t have to worry.

I can help you by

  • working with you to manage immediate issues
  • developing a legal strategy for your business
  • providing training on commercial contracts, employment law, data protection (GDPR), intellectual property and more
  • getting your contracts in order using VIHL® Contracts

Advantages of working with me

  • ​my experience - I can hit the ground running
  • flexibility - I am happy to work on an ad hoc basis
  • no hiring costs - I am registered as independent
  • I can be available at short notice
  • multilingual - I speak English, French and German
  • no set-up costs - I have my own equipment

VIHL® contracts

Contracts are the foundation of your business

Your contracts need to be written to suit your business, and they should be as concise and straightforward as possible. A good contract is a tool for managing a relationship; a bad contract is shoved into the back of a cupboard because nobody can understand it.

VIHL® provides you with tailored contracts, most of which are available at fixed prices.

For further details, contact me.

Holistic ethics

Go beyond compliance

Truth. Trust. Respect.

These are the foundations of ethical behaviour. Much more than complying with minimum legal standards, Truth, Trust, Respect means being a role model in our treatment of employees, suppliers, customers and third parties.

We need to change the impact our businesses are having on the world, both locally and internationally. The time for sitting around and hoping someone else will take action is past. It’s no longer about doing what the law says — if we wait for the law to catch up, it will be too late. We need to:

  • speak the truth
  • trust that we can make a difference
  • respect our world and the people in it

For a more in depth look at the impact business can make — or fail to make — here’s what Mary Mayenfisch Tobin, Adviser on Business and Human Rights, has to say in her blog, Reconnecting With Commonsense.

Operating with Truth, Trust and Respect is a huge advantage. It gives your organisation a solid foundation on which you can build a business that will make a difference.

I can help you by

  • working with you to develop and implement a Truth. Trust. Respect. action plan that starts your organisation on a journey beyond compliance
  • delivering workshops focused on the competitive advantage that comes from operating with Truth, Trust and Respect
  • helping rebuild Truth, Trust and Respect after something has gone wrong: learning from experience and letting go of fear
  • mediating between employees who are struggling to trust each other


What is mediation?

Mediation is a way of bringing together the parties to a dispute, in a safe environment, to help them resolve their differences with the help of a neutral third party (the mediator). It is completely confidential, even down to the fact that a mediation has taken place. It can be used at any time and for any kind of dispute. Participation is voluntary — a party to a mediation is free to walk away at any point. Unlike litigation and arbitration, mediation doesn’t create winners or losers, but aims to resolve disputes in a way that meets the needs of all parties.

The mediator’s role is to facilitate discussions and guide the parties towards resolution. A mediator is not a judge, and will not make a decision in favour of any party, but will encourage the parties to find a resolution that works for all of them. It is then for the parties (and their lawyers, if there are lawyers involved), to prepare a settlement agreement that reflects the resolution.

I can help you by

  • providing training on detecting and resolving conflicts at an early stage
  • facilitating contentious meetings
  • providing a confidential, impartial mediation service where conflicts have escalated too far to be resolved without a third party

Terms of business

Download my terms of business

Click here to download terms of business (2020).


Agreement prices

Agreement type Price
Agency agreements CHF 500
Amendment agreements Hourly rate (quotation on request)
Confidentiality agreements
  • mutual confidentiality agreement
  • one way confidentiality agreement
CHF 50
Data processing agreement Hourly rate (quotation on request)
Distribution agreements CHF 500
Employment agreements CHF 300
Equipment rental agreements CHF 500
Franchise agreements CHF 500
Heads of terms / letters of intent CHF 500
IP assignments
  • patent assignment
  • design rights assignment
  • trade mark assignment
  • copyright assignment
CHF 300
IP licences
  • patent or know-how licence agreement
  • trade mark licence agreement
  • licence of registered design
  • licence of unregistered design
Hourly rate (quotation on request)
Partnership agreements Hourly rate (quotation on request)
Privacy policies CHF 400
Purchase agreements
  • sale and purchase agreement
  • standard terms of purchase
CHF 300
Research and development agreements Hourly rate (quotation on request)
Sales agreements
  • sale and purchase agreement
  • standard terms of sale (B2B)
  • standard terms of sale (B2C)
CHF 400
Service and consulting agreements
  • services agreement
  • consultancy agreement
CHF 300
Shareholders’ agreements Hourly rate (quotation on request)
Sponsorship agreements CHF 300
Standard terms of sale/purchase CHF 400/CHF500
Supply agreements CHF 500
Website terms and conditions CHF 400

Where a fixed price is quoted, this includes a first draft of the agreement based on client instructions, up to two rounds of mark-ups following negotiation, and preparation of final documents for signature. Mark-ups and negotiation advice for confidentiality agreements are charged at my hourly rates.

All prices are exclusive of VAT.

Hourly rates

Billing option Rate
Per hour CHF 250
Per half-day
4 consecutive hours in a single working day
CHF 800
Per 8 hour day CHF 1600

All prices are exclusive of VAT.